Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Rev Charli dives into the awaken of the power within us to create the life we desire. The power of our intentions coupled with thankfulness opens doors in our awareness and in the living of our lives that previously we would not have seen. Enter into this time of Thanksgiving intentionally and see what opens for you.

Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Rev Charli dives into the awaken of the power within us to create the life we desire. The power of our intentions coupled with thankfulness opens doors in our awareness and in the living of our lives that previously we would not have seen. Enter into this time of Thanksgiving intentionally and see what opens for you.

Amen & Amen

Amen & Amen

Rev Charli share how this simple four-letter word contains the power of the Universe. Amen is not just the end of a prayer, it is the name and nature of God and all that God is. Activating this power with faith unleashes unlimited possibilities in our lives. What might you want to create.

Rule 12 – Pet A Cat

Rule 12 – Pet A Cat

We welcome Rev Jill Campbell, who comes to us from the White Mountains.
Her talk shares the truth that, well, let's face it, life is hard and we all have our struggles. Learn about Rule 12 and how to do something nice for you or others to make a difference and change your mind!

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Through story and scripture, Rev Charli demonstrates the power of prayer to set us free from our limited ideas of who we are. We are divine creations that are destined for greatness and to live free from the burdens that hold us back.

Be The Miracle

Be The Miracle

What does it mean to be the miracle?  What does it mean to be the miracle of God in this world?  In this talk celebrating the similarities between Islam and Unity, Rev Charli shares the importance of being a living demonstration of the Spirit of God.

Forgiveness The Key To Abundance

Forgiveness The Key To Abundance

Using the parable of the unmerciful servant, Rev Charli shares the metaphysical understanding of forgiveness and its link to our personal prosperity.

Living in Radical Amazement

Living in Radical Amazement

Living life from a perspective of radical amazement opens us to new vistas that bring in abundance and prosperity in ways we previously would not have dreamt possible. What is it that you would like to open yourself to?

I Got A Bigger Pan

I Got A Bigger Pan

Using the song, Get a Bigger Pan by Karen Taylor-Goode, Rev Charli invites us into an experience of knowing that it is through the power of Divine Ideas and raising our consciousness that we open ourselves to the good that is present in this now moment. We have been taught to give from what we have received. Let's switch it up. Let's give from a consciousness of what we would like to receive.

Heart Dream

Heart Dream

Mirabai and Steve share their spiritual journey through words and music. It is a love story that is on going and ever expanding. Their music is uplifting and feeds the soul.