The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

The beginning of the end for Jesus' ministry takes place at the raising of Lazarus from the dead.  As we begin Holy Week, we look at the deaths that we have experienced or that we are ready to surrender into the hands of spirit.  What is holding us back from stepping fully into the kingdom of heaven right now? 

Letting it Go, Living and Forgiving

Letting it Go, Living and Forgiving

Rev Tom Catlin shares with us the power of letting go. Through story, humor, and insight he brings home the message of the importance and the freedom available to us when we let go and forgive. Forgiveness is not something we do for someone else, it is to set everyone free.

Life Actually

Life Actually

Rev Ken speaks from his heat to our hearts about the Love we are called to share with others. To live and love audaciously and completely.

The Giant

The Giant

Using the story of The Giant, Rev Tom takes us on a journey of enlightenment through the power of nonresistance.

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

Through the power of affirmative prayer, compassion and forgiveness we have the power to change our minds and change our lives. Rev Charli leads us through a Unity five step prayer process to bring home the principles that make a difference in our lives and the world.

Myrtle Fillmore, Mother of Unity

Myrtle Fillmore, Mother of Unity

Rev Billie Martini shares some of Myrtle Fillmore's meaningful teachings as we celebrate Mother's Day. These teachings are on oneness, forgiveness, healing, and right relationship.

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