The Giant

The Giant

Using the story of The Giant, Rev Tom takes us on a journey of enlightenment through the power of nonresistance.

Power Sunday – Divine Order Pt 2

Power Sunday – Divine Order Pt 2

Rev Charli Tupper explores Divine Order as our innate capacity to create our experiences.  Through the power of intention that is created by our thoughts, feelings, and actions, she demonstrates and empowers each of us to engage life in new and meaningful ways. 

Power Sunday – Divine Order

Power Sunday – Divine Order

Rev Charli Tupper explores Divine Order from the context of the story of Martha and her sister Mary. Divine Order when activated within balance has the capacity to transform our experiences from chaos to creativity.

The Credo of Watermelon

The Credo of Watermelon

Rev Billie Martini uses watermelon as an anagram for keeping your cool when things get heated up.  Through the power of humor and inspiration, she demonstrates how we can easily shift our life.

On Holy Ground

On Holy Ground

Rev Charli mixes humor, story and spirituality to inspire us in new levels of understanding the importance of perspective, intention, and prayer. The Holy Ground we stand on can be our earth or our consciousness. We are responsible for the out picturing of both.

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

Through the power of affirmative prayer, compassion and forgiveness we have the power to change our minds and change our lives. Rev Charli leads us through a Unity five step prayer process to bring home the principles that make a difference in our lives and the world.