Faith, Hope, Love Abide

Faith, Hope, Love Abide

Rev Charli explores the power of faith, hope and love as they abide within us. Faith being the capacity to believe in the seemingly impossible. Hope to be the spark of divine inspiration that has the potential move us forward. Love as the capacity to be with what is.

Imagination The Power to Take Flight

Imagination The Power to Take Flight

The Power of Power is one of the 12 Powers of consciousness. As we exam and awaken this power within us, we are empowered to live authentically as we are created.

Myrtle Fillmore, Mother of Unity

Myrtle Fillmore, Mother of Unity

Rev Billie Martini shares some of Myrtle Fillmore's meaningful teachings as we celebrate Mother's Day. These teachings are on oneness, forgiveness, healing, and right relationship.

The Power of Power

The Power of Power

The Power of Power is one of the 12 Powers of consciousness. As we exam and awaken this power within us, we are empowered to live authentically as we are created.

In God We Trust

In God We Trust

Linda Johnson takes into a conversation about the US Motto: In God We Trust. As a spiritual principle, this motto has the power to change our consciousness from lack to prosperity.