Weddings | Sacred Unions

Weddings | Sacred Unions

In Unity we do not discriminate.  When two people wish to come together and make a sacred commitment to each other, our minister is honored to facilitate.  Each wedding or union is unique according to the wishes and desires of the individuals. Weddings are done in our sanctuary or at your location.  Call for more...



The arrival of new life into our families is a sacred event.  A Unity Christening is a sacred ritual of gratitude for the children in our lives.  It is a celebration of the joy and innocence that shines forth from them as they learn and grow.  It honors the lessons they will experience and that...

House Blessings

House Blessings

One of life’s joys is home.  That sacred place where we take off our shoes and over coat.  We sit and relax and connect with the most sacred people in our lives. Blessing the home is an ancient tradition.  It is a demonstration of welcoming the power of Spirit into our sacred space; our most...



Honoring the life of someone close to us is an important part of the relationship we have experienced together.  Memorials are a time to connect with loved ones, and to remember and celebrate the preciousness of life.  Remembering together and supporting each other through difficult times is a spiritual practice that heals our hearts on...