The Power of Love with Michelle Abraham

The Power of Love with Michelle Abraham

God is Love. I am Love. This Love is the power that is within us that changes everything. In the midst of chaos and confusion that is happening in the world, we have the power to turn our focus to the presence of God.

Light, Love, Power, Presence = Peace

Light, Love, Power, Presence = Peace

Memorial Day is a day to remember. Every day is a day to remember the Light, Love, Power, and Presence of God that is within us. As we let go of the war within our own minds, we tap into ways to create peace for all.

The Miraculous Prayer

The Miraculous Prayer

We all have a miracle within us, the presence of the Divine. When we access this presence through the power of prayer, we open ourselves to inflow of all good.

Energy Flows Where The Mind Goes

Energy Flows Where The Mind Goes

Unity's third principle teaches us that the thoughts we hold in Mind create our experiences. We have the power to change our mind. We have the power to rethink and reinterpret what is happening around us in order to experience more peace, love, and joy in our lives.

Divine Order In All Things

Divine Order In All Things

n this 3rd week of Lent, we explore the deeper meaning of Divine Order as the unfolding of universal principle. There is an order at play in the universe and in our lives and we, as creators, have the power to enact good right where we are. This good always affects the whole.

LENT: Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking Let’s Evolve New Thought

LENT: Let’s Eliminate Negative Thinking Let’s Evolve New Thought

The time has come. The time has come to eliminate thoughts of separation and to see clearly how the world could be. As we eliminate negative thinking we open a space to evolve New Thought as a spiritual practice. This is about stepping into a higher awareness of our own Truth and seeing the Truth within others.

ALOHA: The Power of Divine Love

ALOHA: The Power of Divine Love

In honor of the Shamanic Spiritual Traditions, Rev Charli Tupper takes us into a deeper understanding of the nature of Aloha and how this one word can change our lives at depth. This word opens us to a world of grace, love, peace, joy, and connection.

I Got A Bigger Pan

I Got A Bigger Pan

Using the song, Get a Bigger Pan by Karen Taylor-Goode, Rev Charli invites us into an experience of knowing that it is through the power of Divine Ideas and raising our consciousness that we open ourselves to the good that is present in this now moment. We have been taught to give from what we have received. Let's switch it up. Let's give from a consciousness of what we would like to receive.

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What's Love got to do with it.... absolutely everything! Rev Billie shares her whit and wisdom diving deeper into what it means to truly love.

MEDITATION: Receiving the Gift of  Abundance

MEDITATION: Receiving the Gift of Abundance

In this meditation, Rev Charli guides us through a process of receiving whatever our heart desires. This desire comes naturally from the abundance that is all around us and as we open ourselves to this energy, we receive good beyond our wildest expectations.