Spiritual Practice of Gratitude

Spiritual Practice of Gratitude

Rev Billie Martini shares in this talk that gratitude is not something we do only when things are going well. It is a spiritual practice that can take us deeper into our awareness of the love of God.

Grateful, So Thankful

Grateful, So Thankful

Licensed Unity Teacher, Michelle Abraham, shares the power of gratitude to shift our consciousness. This power can take the most challenging situations and turn them into gifts.

Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Transforming Through The Power of Intention and Thankfulness

Rev Charli dives into the awaken of the power within us to create the life we desire. The power of our intentions coupled with thankfulness opens doors in our awareness and in the living of our lives that previously we would not have seen. Enter into this time of Thanksgiving intentionally and see what opens for you.

Amen & Amen

Amen & Amen

Rev Charli share how this simple four-letter word contains the power of the Universe. Amen is not just the end of a prayer, it is the name and nature of God and all that God is. Activating this power with faith unleashes unlimited possibilities in our lives. What might you want to create.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Through story and scripture, Rev Charli demonstrates the power of prayer to set us free from our limited ideas of who we are. We are divine creations that are destined for greatness and to live free from the burdens that hold us back.

Silent Influence of the I AM

Silent Influence of the I AM

Linda Johnson shares a poignant story of forgiveness and the power the indwelling Presence can make in our lives.

Living in Radical Amazement

Living in Radical Amazement

Living life from a perspective of radical amazement opens us to new vistas that bring in abundance and prosperity in ways we previously would not have dreamt possible. What is it that you would like to open yourself to?

Divine Alchemy

Divine Alchemy

Rev Linda Johnson shares the spiritual principles of wholeness and healing. The activity of Spirit within us is always healing and bringing into wholeness according to our consciousness. Love brings forth Love.

Love One Another As I Have Loved You

Love One Another As I Have Loved You

The Greatest Commandment is to love one another. Rev Charli explores what it means to love as Jesus demonstrated Love. We are called to love one another with a holy love that is inclusive. Not focusing on our differences, but rather on the love that binds us together.

Welcome to Freedom

Welcome to Freedom

Licensed Unity Teacher, Michelle Abraham, shares what true freedom looks like when we release, let go and let God. Forgiveness is the key to inner freedom. How do we do that?