The Gift of Kindness

The Gift of Kindness

Kindness is not a spiritual gift, it is something we must work towards and make a conscious practice. Rev. Michelle also shares ideas for practicing kindness in small, different ways and how to be paying it forward routinely for the most wonderous transformations for others and self.  

The Power of Community and Connection

The Power of Community and Connection

Rev. John McLean delivers a powerful message on the importance of community, connection and spiritual fellowship and how to form and nurture this blessed need which is hard-wired and creates emergent properties and the feeling of wholeness. 

What’s It All About?

What’s It All About?

Rev. John McLean reviews the power of the question "Why?" and compares it to the asking of "What...?"

The Grass Is Always Greener

The Grass Is Always Greener

“Why have I believed that life had to be so hard? Why did I believe that it was up to me to fix everything that I perceived was broken, and I perceived most things to be broken? Why did I believe that I needed to work hard and struggle just to survive?” None of this is taught by Jesus.
Faith in the goodness of God always brings us our good.

Get Ready, Set… Go

Get Ready, Set… Go

Week four of our series on the power of conscious change. Entering into the promised land or the kingdom of heaven is a conscious act that requires a willingness to leave the past behind and to move past the boundaries, into an arena where life's beauty unfolds in miraculous ways. Jesus taught If you abide in me and I abide you, ask whatever you will and it will be done. This is a covenant... a promise that Spirit is always providing our highest good.

Living Life As An Adventure

Living Life As An Adventure

In week three of our book Finding YourSelf in Transition, we explore the void. This void is the expansive field of unlimited possibilities. As we look at life as an adventure, we open ourselves to new possibilities that we may have put on hold for years. What might life look like as we open up to a greater idea of who we are and why we are here?

Ready Or Not Here It Comes

Ready Or Not Here It Comes

Entering a time of transition can be challenging. Recognizing when something is coming to an end can bring an array of feelings that are not comfortable. Using the Book, Finding YourSelf in Transition by Robert Brumet, Rev Charli embarks us on a journey of facing change in a new way.